home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Star Trek Videoverwaltung
- ___________________________
- 1.24
- This software is protect by the laws of the federal republic
- of Germany. No Changes allowed. No gurantee for head crashes
- (disks and heads) :-)
- This program can handle STDUV-Infos so that your every normal
- database is now obsolet. Have you ever wanted that you can
- take a look on you movies while choosing your favorite video
- for the evening? Now you can.
- For details please read the german docs or ask me for help.
- Okok, you've got me, I have no time to translate it.
- a short translation:
- KassNr --> CassetteNumber
- Datensatz --> no translation found: seriesname
- Auswahl --> FileReq for seriesname
- Inhalt --> Index
- Folge --> Part
- min --> mins
- lesen --> to read
- Sparte --> What it is (SciFi, Thriller , Documentation)
- Einlesen --> reread
- Nächster --> next cass
- Letzter --> prev cass
- Löschen --> clean up Index
- Speichern --> to save
- beenden --> to end
- Menus:
- Projekt:
- über --> About
- laden --> to load
- speichern --> to save
- löschen --> to delete
- Operationen:
- Suchen --> to search
- zuweisen --> to address something to something other
- Listen --> Lists
- Zusatz --> Addtional Information
- Einsortieren--> Sort in
- Verleihe --> hire or rent
- Typen --> Typconvertion ( change one typ to another on all entries)
- Suche --> Search and stop on first match
- > --> Search and ask if ok.
- alle .. --> All Series
- nur ... --> only the choosen one
- Nummerisc.. --> numeric
- alphabeti.. --> alphabetic
- Suchmuster --> Searchpattern use #?blablabla#?
- Warte --> Waiting
- mit --> means with something
- nach --> means here "sort by"
- von --> from
- bis --> to
- Einzeln --> Single series
- Drucken --> Print
- Einsortieren--> Sort in means here "start sort in"
- Verleihen --> to rent |
- zurück --> back | actual cass.
- lesen --> read name in |
- I hope this will help you using the program.
- Cyborg